Aspiring Amateur

By MegB

Morning Mood

Despite having to get to work early (7:45 a.m. is early by my standards) I had the time to take a couple of photos of the morning sky - not quite a sunrise but some pleasing color. On my way to work the super moon was in sight which was special since last night's clouds obstructed any viewing. Tonight when I got home after work, a bike ride and grocery shopping, the moon was rising over the bay and it was a brighter orange than I'd ever seen - almost red. I ran in to get some food together set to watch the moon while eating dinner. In the 4 minutes it took me to rustle up some food the clouds had a different plan and my bright moon was gone! I was glad I hadn't been setting up the camera - that, somehow, would have been more disappointing. The clouds remained close to the horizon so, as the moon rose, that beautiful silver shimmer across the water made its moonshadow. Another gorgeous day made even better by the super moon.

Morning Has Broken

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