Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Happy Valentines' Day

This is one of the 'trinkets' which I bought yesterday in a gift shop in Peebles. I gave it to kerrsdaddy today for Valentines'. It is made from old bits of wood and I think it looks quite unusual and a bit manly, even though it is a love heart.

Today I took Kerr to church with me and was going to leave him in the creche for the very first time. However, there were no other babies and noone on creche duty, so I ended up staying with him in the toddler Sunday School. I think he quite enjoyed watching the children singing and running around.

Valentines' Day and hearts always makes me think of my 5 year old niece. She was born with a serious heart condition and eventually had a heart transplant just before her 3rd birthday. She was one of the lucky ones who just managed to hold on long enough to receive a new heart, but sadly many many children and adults die each year while waiting for a transplant. Her new organ came from France. In the UK there is a shortage of donors and especially organs suitable for children. I want to highlight this and to encourage people to join the Organ Donor Register for both chldren and adults, if you feel able to do so. As you can see from her photo, my niece is now well and healthy and enjoying a normal childhood - all thanks to a family who made the decision to give the gift of life.

Happy Valentines' Day all blippers!

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