
By rubyjones

Hope in the back of a taxi.

Met an old mucker today in 'Good old London Town' (this must be sung by any ex Londoner when referring to it. It's a bit embarrassing and makes people want to punch you, but then what's life without a bit of peril?).
My mate has just got a 3 month freelance contract with a chance of a job afterwards. Brilliant. I am so pleased for him. A year ago he was sitting in his empty flat having sold off his cool stuff to survive. Then thinking he'd also have to sell his home. But then things started picking up. Thank god.

I haven't seen him for a while. He looked tired but happy. The worry must've gone straight to his head tho. Not a single hair lives there now. He was like one of the fucking hair bear bunch last time I saw him.
Mind you, as I waved goodbye to him, I'm pretty sure he shouted: 'See you big arse'.

That's friends for you.

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