
From my fantastic Hannah:

Dear Philippa

Now I know you think this is all rubbish, but this pouch contains crystals with special bone healing properties. SERIOUS. When you are at rest, keep this pouch by your broken parts.

Love Hannah

And I do. Weirdo nutter into hippy shit that she is. When another friend came round on the same day with homeopathic bone knitting tablets, Jay suggested we could just take all the bolts out as they wouldn't be needed now. I don't care, I love my thoughtful friends and to be honest will try everything and anything.

The advice the consultant gave me today though was a little harder to accept. Put your foot on the floor and put weight on it????? Dear god, it was terrifying, I thought my foot was going to explode all over the room. I haven't put my left foot on the floor for twenty days now and apparently my poor body has forgotten how to stand on two feet and to move any liquid away from my left foot. So I have lots of practice things to do. Happily, I was so pathetic with the standing and the stitches removal, he is very happy to drop all thought of whipping my bolts out in his room and says he will just knock me out. We go back in three weeks to arrange this. Hurrah.

And then my mum came round for light duties and a slice of the gorgeous Swedish Princess Cake . We had a nice afternoon.

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