
By fionawalton37

Pointing out the sky

Memories. On 9/11 some 21 years ago I was bridesmaid at Ali & Debbie's wedding. I was 5 months pregnant! Big bouquet of lillies!
9/11/2001 A few months after mum died I remember clearly the fall of the twin towers. Remember getting in the car after teaching and the radio coming on automatically and hearing about the first tower. I drove home and turned on TV and saw second tower fall. Shock and disbelief.
Today I spent the day sat at my computer doing emails and admin. Didn't see much sky, although it was sunny. Thursday is Tea & Toast for Tapton teenagers, but not so many today due to the nice weather.
Made a lot of people smile when took Ziggy to local shops and she carried her Thomas the Tank Engine slipper all the way!
Tried to make the sky in this photo look like an arrow - just in case you missed it.

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