Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Almost farewell to Hong Kong

Today I had lunch with Vivien as seen in the blip. In many ways this photo represents quite a bit about Hong Kong. Having lunch out is an institution here. Cooking at home is difficult because of the size of homes and many younger people do not cook at all. But ask someone for lunch and you can discover amazing restaurants. This one is 25 floors up and the view is stunning though today it was somewhat misty.

But there is the second feature of Hong Kong, its landscapes, its tall imposing buildings which dominate the skyline and are put together in ways which are supposed to obey fengshui rules! Behind the buildings you can see mountains and greenery. I have not showed you much of that but hopefully tomorrow once I have packed and got my boarding pass I shall take a bus trip out to the coast and provide at least one of that landscape too.

People are loyal and friendly. Vivien was the administrator locally on the course I teach on and was simply brilliant. She left to travel the world and now is back and works at another university. She keeps in touch and nearly always we manage to have lunch. As always she insisted on paying. It is hard to stop them.

It was a lovely lunch, I have my suit and I am relaxed and ready for the journey home tomorrow, of course after my final trip out to Stanley Market, as long as it does not rain.

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