Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Back to the scene of the crime…..

I went back up to Yorkshire in a vain hope of being able to retake one of the panoramas I had submitted for use by employer as a centre piece image in the refurbished canteen. When I say centre piece, it will be 10m (30') long and will stretch the entire wall where the customers queue up for their fare.

There had been a few (justified) reservations on the image that was the overwhelming choice, so, I offered to to tried to produce an improved version rather than try and edit the original image to death. So, back upt north it was.

Two problems caused the days work to be totally without any chance of success and a great disappointment and waste of time. The weather was doing it's utmost to prevent any chance of repeating the image but with better lighting. Worse still, the hay bales that were key to the image had, despite remaining static for some while, been removed. Just an empty boring field remained.

So, back to photoshop it is.

I tried my best to be not disappointed, but, the flat lighting was doing it's best to prevent any nice light. My creativity took a knock too. So, I'm afraid its a repeat view of the lake I did Sunday, but, I'm afraid this time with a far less interesting result.

Thanks to everyone who commented on Sunday's image - Its been my best received photo. It has been very much appreciated.

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