The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A complete and utter waste of a day ..

I took mum into respite for a couple of night so I could visit friends tomorrow.

I thought I'd spend the day making stuff for the show which is perilously close and I'm very unready.

For hours and hours I worked on something that I've already spent days on. As I assembled it I decided it was terrible and completely unusable.

So then I decided to make some fun cupcakes for tomorrow. I already had ready made icing but no icing sugar to roll it out .. so went out to buy some .. then after faffing for another hour I discovered that the tube of icing I'd bought for details had no nozzle and was impossible to use. So I went out to buy some.

Then I tasted the icing. It's hideous.

So everything is now in the bin and I'm feeling very grumpy indeed.

Here's the Handsome Stranger who called in earlier to eat peanuts.

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