Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Decisions Decisions!

Our final day of the holiday, and we took a detour along more of the Tour de France route through the Yorkshire Dales to call in at Masham, home of the Theakstons and Black Sheep breweries.

We went to the Black Sheep brewery for a look around and to stock up with some beer for my return south. I have purchased a case of the special Velo beer which has been brewed to celebrate the visit of the Tour de France to Yorkshire and Masham.

I also took a pint of Yorkshire Square Ale in the Baaar, even if it was before 11am! Out of respect for Gilesey who has been getting steadily more jealous as the week has gone on with my ale tasting I have decided to blip the beer pumps and the selection of ale I could choose from rather than a blip of the pint of the rather nice Yorkshire Square Ale. I think the sight of the beer might just send her over the edge :0)

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