Watching Me

As the first light of dawn filtered over the grey and misty fields the hares were out and about. So great to see a family of seven gambolling around but by the time I'd found a clear shot through the overgrown hedge the moment had well gone!

I'd got my 500mm lens with the extender on a tripod to get distance which was good initially but hopeless for stalking quietly and getting the shot with them unaware of my presence. They use the, 'if I hunker down she won't see me' tactic and are incredibly difficult to spot. You can sometimes just see the tip of an ear peeking out of the stubble but that can easily be mistaken for a leaf or lump of straw. You can actually nearly stand on them before they bolt and 2 foot away from one that was what happened. Far far to close for the lens Ggrrrrrrr........! I could also watch and watch and I swear they watch you just as closely waiting for you to take your eye off the ball and lose your concentration. I stood for half and hour with a hare 20 foot away, couldn't do anything because of the lens, checked my camera settings and blow me it shot across the field like lightening!

Going back later utilising a few more stealth tactics and a lighter lens I managed to get closer. There for me is something magical about seeing wildlife in their natural habitats; so very exciting!

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