
By Teasel

View of an 8 Year Old

I was up early-ish to do the chores I didn’t do yesterday – and it was such a lovely warm morning that I ate my breakfast outside. BB had no football today so the boys went for haircuts – they are both very short! When they were out at the barbers, BB wanted a no thanks sticker. He is very against independence – and has his own thoughts on this matter which are very interesting given that he is only 8 years old.

We all then headed into Edinburgh as I was meeting up with some former colleagues. It was lovely to see them and catch up over a few drinks. I then dashed off to meet up with the boys for pizza. They had spent the afternoon at the museum.

Here is the aforementioned sticker and his new minion. I don’t know if the minion has a view on the campaign.

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