Halton House, Halton, Buckinghamshire

Halton House now the Officers' Mess for RAF Halton, was originally built for Alfred de Rothschild in the 1880s mainly to entertain Victorian society folk. Guests included royalty, world celebrities & political figures. His lavish parties here continued until 1914 when the war broke out. He asked his friend Lord Kitchener if he would like the estate for military training purposes, which is what took place. In 1918 Alf died without marrying and left the estate to his nephew Lionel who was persuaded to sell it to the War Office for £112,000. The War Office; later to become the MOD, wanted somewhere to base the fledgling Royal Air Force & so The Halton Mansion transferred in 1919 & became known as RAF Halton from then on.

Visited it today as part of the Heritage week - lovely trip around with a cream tea in the dining hall.

Came home & S next door had removed the Yew tree that was growing between us close up to both of the houses. Glad its gone.

Fine day -not sunny but a good OK day.

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