A day out with Ozzy

Went on a mega long walk with Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend.

We’ve been on the go for about six hours, including a very yummy lunch at the 'Engine Inn', where Ozzy & I were so well behaved that the humans fed us little bits of beef & fish.

But do you know what?.......................... Ann hadn’t brought us any water, and we were very hot & thirsty, so every time we came to a little stream we were allowed to go for a drink and a wallow to cool down.

Well, we’d just stretched out for a good old wallow in this stream when do you know what happened?.......................... Five hyper spaniels came bounding into the stream and tried to intimidate us. So we immediately stood up and glared at them. Ozzy’s quite a big boy and I think they were scared of him because they went running back to their owner. It’s so nice to have a macho boyfriend!!! So we were able to continue our wallowing in peace.

Us doggies are very tired now and so are the humans.

………………Time to chillax!!!

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