Not a good day

I’ve been in a lot of trouble today because I’ve done one naughty thing after another. Ann is really cross with me. She says little collies that get taken out for the whole day, should accept that sometimes they have to have a day when their owner takes priority???

I went to work with Ann today. We walked there and back and I went ballistic at four buses and tried to chase three cats. I couldn’t get to any of them because I was on my lead but Ann still went mad at me.

Then, when we got to work I managed to escape from the office twice while Ann was talking to people. The first time I spotted the black & white cat sneaking into the bushes. I immediately went into chase mode and ended up so far into the bushes that Ann couldn’t see me. She was very, very angry. She said, ‘Molly, if you don’t come here right now I’m going to pull you out by your tail.’ Not quite sure how she was going to manage to pull me out by my tail when she couldn’t even see me??? I came out straight away because the cat had disappeared.

The second time I escaped from the office I chased the motorbike up the lane. The motorbike rider stopped his motorbike. So then I had nothing to chase!!!

Ann was so angry with me, that when she went out, she said I couldn’t be trusted to guard the office. She said, ‘Molly, why should any of my colleagues have to be responsible for your behaviour? You’re going to have to come out in the car with me and don’t for one minute think we’re going anywhere exciting ‘cos we’re not.’

…………I’ve spent a lot of time today sitting in the foot well of the car and apart from a 5min play in the horse field I haven’t had any off lead time!!! Today has not been much fun for me.

And Ann’s not had a good day either………………………….

……………….She’s bashed her head on a low beam in a holiday property no warning signs so perhaps she could claim compensation for concussion??? And she’s been bitten by a dog whilst on a delivery. And she doesn’t look anything like a postie??!!

And now that we’re home, I’ve gobbled up my dinner, but left the teeny, weeny little pill that I have to take for the rash on my back. Now Ann will feed it to me with some of my favourite treat which is cheese?!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again……………………… I’m a very clever little collie.

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