Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Three days to go. Suddenly this has all become so terrifyingly real, and near at hand.

I went out leafleting (the Two Choices poster) for a few hours this morning. I was a bit scared to be doing my own street in case I encountered hostility, but in fact it was lovely. Met some nice neighbours that I hardly knew, and had a good talk with them about issues that concern them. 4 'undecided' families, and I gave them Wee Blue Books and information about websites.

Nipped down to the shop to pick up my Observer, and the Sunday Herald. Found the Observer front page predicting No victory, backed up by a poll, while the Herald (inside the special wraparound cover) concentrated on Osborne's trickery, and featured another poll putting YES ahead.

Went back to the shop and bought another 6 copies, to use with undecided neighbours!

Because it is so close I keep saying to G, "If each Yes person could bring an undecided person to the ballot box, and persuaded them to vote YES, we could smash this!"

At 5pm I went for training to be a Counting Agent on the night of 18th, and got my rosette to wear when I'm standing at the polling station in the morning.

Oh my goodness. This Is Real!

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