New Addition.... my little container garden by the front door. This is Mona Lavender Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus 'Plepalia' PP 13,858), a most unusual plant with an equally unusual name. I have no idea what the number means. It's really, really pretty in person.

The amount of knowledge I have of plants is actually a negative number and I have a black thumb as well. On top of that, I mostly buy plants because they're pretty with little consideration as to whether they're appropriate for where I want to put them. My husband always used say my heart was in the right place but that never stopped him from humming "taps" as we'd leave the nursery with a car full of plants. He thought it was very funny and sadly, he was usually right. Probably about one-third of the stuff I bought ever lived more than a few weeks. I keep trying though.

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