Little seeing eye dog ..
I know I told you all a few weeks back about Jerry puppy having his cataracts done and it was successful .. He does have sight but not full on,a bit tunnel vision but never the less he can see !! Anyway today I went all the way to Bristol to the specialist he sees as Jerry has to have regular checkup until the end of October and then if all is well it is just 6 monthly check ups..
Of course Tits (his owner) and I had a day out ... We left Jerry for his little operation to sort a little bit of eye lid or something and we found a shop called POUND WORLD !!! Oooooooooghhhhhhhhhh for all that's holy it was a Mecca of utter crap !! It was AWESOME !! I thought I was going to pass out with the sheer excitement of it all.
Here is little jerry a bit confused and woozy from his anaesthetic .. He even sings in his sleep this little pooch x
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