
By RobinBanneville

Deep Breath .......... And ... Relax ...

Why is it, that the one and only time in the last 6 months that I didn't 'pre-copy' the text which I'd spent the best part of 30 minutes typing into the "Description" box to accompany my image, blipfoto "failed" the moment I pressed "Preview" and lost all my script ... ??? ... Grrrrr
Anyway, here's a quick precis:
Busy day ... Lovely evening ... Yes, that's "Obligatory Seagull" making a flypast ... And I now feel a very relaxed after a lovely stroll around Bordeaux (or at least I did, until I lost all the flippin' script which I'd spent 30 minutes so meticulously typing into the "Description" box) ... (see the beginning of this missive) ...
Hot strong coffee required I thing ... :o|

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