Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach, California

After a quick appointment in Irvine, to drop off some paperwork with the CPA who does our taxes, we drove to Laguna Beach. (See my P.S. at the end regarding our CPA.)

Sweet September memories were sparked as the two of us stood overlooking the beach that was the scene of many week-day late afternoons on our beach blanket on the sand when our kids were growing up.

Crescent Bay was also the place that we spent many long summer Saturdays and Sundays. We loved the beach and it was a very inexpensive place to spend time.

There was a time years ago, when Mr. Fun would get off work at 3:30 every afternoon and the kids and I would pick him up as soon as work was over and then drive the 45 minutes to Laguna Beach. I would have the boot of the VW Bug loaded with everything we would need to barbeque a hot dog dinner. Those were the best afternoons.

Then for a span of about 7 years we were the directors of the junior high school youth group at the church we attended, and we’d do day long beach trips several times every summer and often we’d take two busloads of kids to Laguna Beach. Those junior highers are now adults who share fabulous memories with us when we see them from time-to-time.

So standing there overlooking that beautiful blue water and the lovely cove with the amazing houses on the cliff just brought wave after wave of memories. Sigh!

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Our CPA is new to us -- he prepared our tax return for 2013, but not for 2012. On August 29 I shared in my blip that the IRS had sent a letter telling us we owed them money. We contacted our former tax preparer and he said to pay the money, so we did. Then a few days later we contacted our new CPA to make sure that we had not made the same mistake on our 2013 taxes. He immediately was all over this recent IRS letter and told us it is basically a form letter and he told us not to pay it -- he wanted to research this issue. Wow! Then we informed him that we had already paid it. He said, "No big deal." He's still going to look into the issue and he believes we do not owe that money and should be able to get it back. So I'm hopeful.

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