1 day to go
Back in November last year, on the day the White Paper was launched, John Swinney and I were talking in the Scottish Gvoernment offices in Atlantic Quay in Glasgow before the event. We expressed some amazement that we were still standing and still putting forward a comprehensive case given the attempts that had been made over the previous 18 months (since the decision on the timescale for the referendum) to extinguish the YES case.
Of course we hadn't seen anything then, compared to what has happened since. Month by month, week by week and day by day the Westminster parties and the vast majority of the medias have waged a relentless campaign against independence using all the powers at their disposal.
So it is astonishing that tonight's polls indicate that the result is now too close to call. In fact, from the evidence I have seen around Argyll in the last week, I think YES has an advantage and that is also seen in the demeanour and number of activists on the streets. YES are enthusiastic and they smile. NO (far fewer) are angry and they scowl.
The engagement and inventiveness of the YES campaign is also undimmed after all the attacks. One woman in Lochgilphead is using her window on the main street to offer posters and information to anyone who wants them. Across the road the Stag Hotel has a box of free YES newspapers on its doorstep, for everyone to read. In Campbeltown this gate has a hand written, child's, sign urging a YES vote. Posters are everywhere , but NO posters are largely to be found only in large empty fields , where the Tory ones are usually displayed during elections.
This has been an extraordinary, civic, people's campaign. It is characterised by enthusiasm, hope, generosity of spirit and inclusiveness. it has been traduced by some those who don't know it and don't want to know it but it has shrugged that off because it is focussed on something more important. It will , if it is successful, go on and work hard to build a better country, drawing in everyone who wants to take part.
It has been an wonderful experience to be part of it. That spirit cannot be defeated. But no one should slacken off yet. There is still much to do in the closing hours of this long campaign in order to secure a victory.
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