Woke up to 50 birthday punches...
...and 5 special 'decade' kicks along with the threat of a half century throwing down the stairs ... he's such a romantic!
We had no plans as we'd enjoyed a lovely day yesterday but as I snuggled under the duvet reading my magazine, Paul's told me to get myself ready as he's made plans... WHAT, without me knowing? TOTALLY UNHEARD OF!!! I was told to wear my TOMS and take a jumper all would be revealed.
I was then driven on what can only be described as a Magical Mystery Tour round Gloucestershire! Fun in itself, trying to guess where I was going. Guessing and ruling out places as we passed them on the way to picking up Beccy & Jo-Jo. I was then taken to Claire's house where they had all arranged to cook a birthday breakfast (Mummy style). They'd even pinched my special handwritten recipe book for the correct birthday pancake recipe!!!
It's was lovely, noisy and messy, I even managed to take over the cooking. Georgia got to eat pancakes for the first time. Beccy wore Batman leggings. Alex joined us in-between work. Bobby ate the leftovers. I gave a demonstration why you shouldn't use crappy pans and pampered chef ones are the best. We made memories in Claire's new house, christened their new table n chairs.
It was a lovely way to spend my birthday 'morning' (it went on till 2pm)…and I didn't have to clean up the mess!
…as you can see Georgia love it too!
In the afternoon we called home briefly for coffee chocolates and to welcome visitors bearing gifts. I watched video messages from Italy and read birthday emails from afar.
In the evening we went to a bar in Cheltenham for drinks and snacks… Beccy joined us after changing out of her batman leggings.
Gin was the drink of the choice!
I have 50 things I need to do this year.... drinking Gin was one of them!
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