This birthday is about 'doing' stuff ...
We'll 'do' lunch after walking the long way round to take some photos, leave the car at home, enjoy nature...
5 minutes no 2 minutes from home some lousy bird shat on me from a great height, RIGHT ON MY HEAD!!!! OH THE HORROR!!!!
I SCREAMED! Paul thought I was over reacting…. Until he saw my head….his face was a picture... did he help me? NO HE DID NOT!!! I asked him for his hanky to wipe the smelly goo off my hair, nope he picked up a leaf, A LEAF…. A SMELLY DOG WEE LEAF!!!!! AND WIPED THE POO ALL OVER MY FACE AND IN MY EYE – URGH!!!!!!!!! HE MADE IT EVEN WORSE THAN IT ALREADY WAS!!!!!!! IT WAS IN MY HAIR... IN MY EYE AND IT WAS SMELLY AND VILE!!!!!
I went home, I washed it out, changed my clothes and carried on with my nature walk... that's how determined I was to 'do' fun things instead of buy fun things!!! We walked.... the long way round to the docks.... the smelly way round, past horrid cement works and crappy stuff I've never seen before... I let nature bite me, I have stinging nettle bites and I have mozzy bites... I have never been so pleased to see a pint of lager and the quay's in all my life!!!!
This is me happy I'm OUT of nature and sat in the comfort of a pub back in civilisation after eating deep fried brie with redcurrant jelly …
Mr C is happy too… Guinness makes him hilarious … if you see him asking him what time it is in Yorkshire!!!
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