Family Dog

By Family_Dog

watch the birdie....


I have a new toy. No, not this plastic chicken (why it's in my livingroom I have no idea. I guess he's been Arlo'd), but a FANCYPANTS new camera.

After much debating and humming and hawing (and desperado style emailing to Joe and Scobes) and probably a bit too much time skulking around Jessops, I finally decided on a Canon 1000D.

I have no idea if I will advance beyond the 'basic zone' settings of my camera (see, I am SO up on the lingo already) but at least Ihave the option to and as I'm planning on applying for one of these, I figured having a proper SLR would be the correct piece of kit if I decided to go for a photography course (instead of, say a protractor or a shovel).

Anyway. I am still undecided about what sort of course to go for. I am torn between a creative writing course or a photography course. I only have time for 1 so it's a toughy.....what do you think?

You'll be glad to know that with the new camera, the quality of my blethering blips is just as supreme blethery as it always was...

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