Silly Little Man

I took the boys for a walk in the woods after work. We only walked for about 30 mins as I wanted time for a longer training session today.

Hero trained the first half of his new routine, then he got a break whilst Beat and Biscuit had their training and in the end of the session, Hero trained the last half of his routine. Phew! I have 3 happy and content dogs now.

This is Biscuit with his ball. One of the times, I threw it for him, he accidentally grabbed a mouthful of grass cuttings instead of the ball and came back with it. It took ages for him to realise his mistake and he kept jumping up and down in front of me, to get me to play tuggy. I couldn't really get hold of the grass though, so I had to disappoint him :-D - It looked really funny - I put a picture in my Blipfolio.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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