No more sitting on the fence

That's it, no more sitting on the fence or hiding away today was the day that people in Scotland had to make a decision, Yes or No to the question ' Should Scotland be an independent country?'
It's been great to see so many people engaged in the referendum ,and amazing 4,285,323 people, 97% of the electorate registered to vote. Some people disagree with 16/17 year olds being given the vote but they are old to pay tax and get married so why not and their views are important, they are our future.

What ever the outcome Scotland has made history again. We were part of the 789,024 who voted by post. 'The largest volume of registration for postal votes ever in Scotland.' Just a few hours left until the ballot papers make their way to be counted in the local Authority areas with the final count sent to Mary Pitcaithly at the Royal Highland Centre outside Edinburgh. Some of the ballot boxes will possibly be travelling from Stornaway by fishing boat because of bad weather at the airport. We should know the result by breakfast tomorrow.
Must say a big thank you to everyone who has been working at the polling stations and for all those that have a long night a head counting.
Exciting times a head whether Yes or No, just be given the freedom to vote is worth celebrating. I'VE EVEN TIDED MY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS !

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