Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

The Ostrich

Well little man slept much better last night thank goodness. The vapo rub and the calpol before bed did the trick. I woke up in a super awesome mood and was ready to the face the day.

We had a nice lazy morning at home playing and little man had a good long nap ready for his afternoon at nursery. He was as happy as Larry when I dropped him off, so me and P went off to the park with no worries.

After the park we then went home to make Mr J's birthday cake. It's looking pretty good. I've had to store it in the fridge though and he is under strict instructions not to peek!

My good mood soured a little when I went to pick up little one though. By all accounts he had had a good afternoon. He enjoyed playing with the blocks and the musical instruments. He even ate most of his tea. However they hadn't even tried to get him to have an afternoon nap ("oh he sleeps in the afternoon does he?" "Errrr yes!"). And when I got home I found that he his milk powder was untouched in his bag. No nap, no milk, equals one very tired, hungry and understandably clingy baby.

Only 5 days till I start work now. I don't need this stress....He's too young to be left. I need to have words with nursery tomorrow. Maybe I can delay my start date a month or two. Nana could do more baby sitting. I should be a stay at home mum. I don't remember it being this hard with P. But it must have been. It was probably worse. I feel sick with worry. I'm going to bury my head in the sand. Yep that'll work. I'll think about it tomorrow. My teas ready.

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