Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

My last Friday

The end of my last full week of maternity and my last Friday with my babies. We've had lovely day.

This morning we met up with friends at the church playgroup. Lots of crafts, singing and chatting. On our way home the horses came to meet us at the wall. We stroked them and fed them some of the long grass that was just out of their reach. They are very friendly, but do like to nibble your fingers given half a chance!

This afternoon A had a good long sleep (2 and a half hours) and me and P got loads of time to play together on the trampoline, read books and cuddle on the sofa with juice and biscuits.

Mr J came home from work early and his birthday celebrations have begun with a birthday tea. He's opened his present from me a day early so he can have a play with it tonight as he wont have chance tomorrow. Woohoo bring on the weekend!

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