
By gileseth

A Tough Decision

Today, after a lot of consideration, I finally put my cross in the 'No' box.

This is not because I don't think Scotland can run it's own country. Far from it. Give the Scottish Parliament as many powers as they want. Wouldn't it be nice to have four countries making their own decisions within a United Kingdom? We could see how each does things differently, and see what works best.

My decision is not because I think Scotland would be worse off as in independent country. Whatever the result tomorrow, Scotland will prosper. There are too many great people here for it not to.

I do have sympathy with the people of Scotland feeling that they are not getting the government they vote for. But isn't that democracy? Sure the voting system should be reviewed and improved. Maybe the rest of the UK could learn from the Scottish system, with each voter having two votes. Maybe we should adopt full proportional representation. I would even go further as suggest something like the Americans do - only let their leaders stand for two terms. The UK would be a better place if Tony Blair had been restricted to two terms. The UK would be a better place if Maggie Thatcher had restricted to two terms.

I also hated the negative campaigning of the No campaign.

But my vote ended up being a 'No' vote simply because I like our gang. I think the United Kingdom is a great positive for all four countries involved. I think the United Kingdom is unique. I loved the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games. I was so proud of the people of Glasgow cheering on the English athletes and the English athletes calling Glasgow a home crowd. I think the Union flag is better than any of the individual flags.

OK, it's not perfect. Just like the EU, that's not perfect either. But we are much better being inside it and trying to make it better, than being outside it.

Let's get the things that aren't working, working. But let's do that without chucking away the things that do work.

Whatever happens in the morning, things need to change. But let's make it positive change!

(SFX: Sound of Giles stepping down from his soapbox).

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