
By gileseth

Well Done Alex

If it wasn't for Alex Salmond, the fight for independence would never have happened.

Westminster's negative campaign and Alex's passion caused the vote to get so close that Westminster panicked and started promising the world.

The final 'No' result, but with the caveat of a promise for constitutional change, will probably end up being the best result for the whole UK.

I must admit I woke up this morning mixed emotions. I was glad the the United Kingdom remains united. But there was a huge feeling of disappointment that the country didn't that collective leap into the unknown and just gone for it. That is something I have done a few times in my life and never regretted it.

That initial feeling of disappointment has been slowly been replaced with a sense of optimism, as a change across the whole of the UK has the potential for being better for everyone.

I respect Alex Salmond for resigning. I admire his principle. Many lesser politicians would have tried to put some spin on things and claimed some sort of victory. But, I don't believe he has necessarily lost. I think what could happen over the next twelve months could end up as the best possible result for his beloved Scotland.

I wish he had stayed around a bit longer to hold David Cameron to account, for the promises he made this morning. It is now up to everyone in the UK to do that.

Well done Alex. Theatre to the end!

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