Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

The Big Day

We are on our way home - to England. Two Scots and an Englishman. We've had a FANTASTIC day and a good trip back.

But what defines us as Scottish? I've realised that I've become quite resentful of the fact that because I live in England, I am not allowed a vote on the future of Scotland, even though people who may have just lived there for a few weeks ARE entitled to a vote.

I feel estranged. I feel cut off from my roots. I feel as though I have become a man with no country, with no home, and I feel as though this event has driven some sort of wedge between myself and my Scotland-inhabiting friends. They have more rights than I - am I any less or more Scottish? Yet I guess that people would say that I have given up my right to determine my country's future by leaving it...

And why is it so important to define one's self so much by the country in which you live? If I've left Scotland, am I still Scottish?

There are lots of questions running through my head - but I have a sense of foreboding. Things will never be the same again. This vote, whichever way it goes, will set neighbour against neighbour, friend against friend, kin against kin. The long term ramifications are huge...

I fear...

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