
By kevinG

Foot Screw

Woke up and took a shower.

Ate breakfast.

Went into the school basement to get tables for Drama. That place is so cool.

Hunter forgot to bring in the Exquisite Corpse.

Ate lunch.

Danielle Benedetto stepped on a screw in the Auditorium during Drama. I didn't see it but someone came out and told Romano. I ran and got the Nurse. She brought a wheelchair. The wheeled her out and I saw the screw sticking out of her foot. She wasn't crying.

Hunter subbed in Photo.

Stayed after in Hunter for a little.

Walked home with Shannon and Erin Hogerty.

Ate pizza.

Went to Crossfit.

“Front Squat” (Horatio had me do these by squatting until I touched the wall ball because my calves are tight and he didn't want me to lose form)
Front Squat 1 RM
For weight (I got 145 but it doesn't really count because I can't do a full squat)
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
3 rounds for time (22:20)

Back home. Watched YouTube videos.

Going to bed now.


Took this picture of my keyboard because I had no other ideas.

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