Time races by

Following on from last week, and my gathering of a huge collection of Ferguson's baby toys from the attic of the old house, Ian delivered another shitload of "stuff" on me today.
This mainly consisted of old clothes, both mine and Ferguson's, spanning back some 5 years. I'm still trying to cut the emotional ties of all his stuff that I have been a little reluctant to get rid of up to now.
Seeing Ferguson's old shoes, and now that his school shoes are a size 2, I saw how tiny they used to be and I can't deny it gave me a lump in my throat at the reality of how fast he has grown and how rapid the years have passed.
Seeing my clothes- and how small some of them are - size 10s and 12s, it depressed the f**k out of me realising how much bigger I am these days!

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