Sheep In The Neep Rig

A fine sunny day, peerie bit of wind and a light shower at lunchtime. Cloudy this evening but looking like a fine day again tomorrow.

Day off today and the start of a weeks holiday :) A walk with Sammy dog around Cunningsburgh this morning and then headed down to Bigton to see my brother and family but he wasn't in. That gave me a chance to have a walk around the village. More walkies in the afternoon around Cunningsburgh before heading out for a run to Lerwick with mam and nieces. We went for a coffee and then had to pick up my niece Megan's new kitten. I just love kittens, don't think my cat Archie would be pleased if I came home with one :)
Off out tonight to a friends 30th birthday party, hopefully not an overly night :)

While I was walking around Bigton I spotted lots of sheep heads popping up out of the neep field. The crofter must have opened the gate for them to feed on. A funny sight as I couldn't see much of their bodies, just a pair of lugs popping up and then the eyes, nose and mouth for a peek at me before getting back to a good munch :)

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