Looking Forward...

By Fiono


This has been my second city day trip in a fortnight! Today I went to the capital of Switzerland. It is only an hour away on the train. It was a beautiful day. Perfect for the iPod walking tour I rented which let me wander around at my own pace and get lots of interesting facts.

Bern has...

Bridges, bears, the river Aare that was a beautiful hue of turquoise in the sun today, cracking views, a massive cathedral with 360 steps to the top (which I climbed!), markets, interesting clocks, cobbled streets, shops, trams, buses that are attached to tram lines which was a bit odd, Swiss food plus beautiful buildings and fountains! The drinkable water coming out the fountains was very welcome as it was quite a hot day.

I also visited the house that Albert Einstein stayed in while he worked in the patent office in Bern and was where a lot of his work towards defining his theory of relativity was carried out, to the envy of some physics student friends I'm sure!

I enjoyed some schnitzel and Bernise wine overlooking the old city. You can see why it is a heritage site.

I was told Bern is easy to "do" in a day by my mum. She was right. Even though I feel I covered most of the city I have seen a few things I want to go back to do!

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