Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

lemon free cold

It appears that over half the people that went to the meeting at the weekend now have a bad cold. Mine kicked in late yesterday evening, I've not slept, my head is pounding, my glands are up, my nose is a tap, my ears feel like they're in a bubble, I'm coughing, sneezing and wheezing and my throat is full of glass. Basically I feel horrible. The Boy has made me stay in bed all day in an attempt to speed my recovery.

I've realised the worst part about my allergies. Normally when I have a cold I dose myself up on lemsips and drink hot honey, lemon and ginger. I don't know what it is about the lemon/honey combination but it really makes you feel like your getting better. Only I can't have lemon. I can't even have lemsips because the "lemon flavour" is half natural and half synthetic. I made The Boy laugh when I rang them and asked if it was made of chemicals or if it had ever seen a lemon in it's life, to my cold-filled, sinus aching brain, it seemed like a sensible thing to ask.

So that's me for the day, tucked up and sniffling.

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