Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Not really had much time for photos today. The Boy's mum took us out for dinner at The Caley, it's really nice there and if I don't have the tartare sauce or lemon wedge, they do a meal I can eat. I even ate mushy peas and almost enjoyed them (no mum, that doesn't mean you can give me those canned ones out of your cupboard).

I don't really care much for the summer olympics but I am really really enjoying the winter ones, love the snow sports. We watched the moguls and the men's boarder cross the other day and it was amazing.

This is The Boy playing with his powerball. I can't even begin to explain it, all I know is it has a gyro in it and you spin it and because of the gyro it helps build up wrist and arm muscles. It also glows pretty colours when you reach a certain speed.

Don't look at it in large as my bad editing may show, one day I will learn how to make the clone tool work.

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