If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Solace Day 2: Hopwas Wood Bridge

When on Solace we like to moor out in the country away from villages and towns. So after a night at a lovely piece of canal a mile or so beyond Armitage we continued towards Fradley where we turned on to the Coventry Canal.

We continued down to Coventry canal towards Tamworth stopping for lunch (again out in the country) near this bridge. The chances of blips (for me at least) is fairly limited as I spend moost time at the stern with "The Mate" or ashore operating the locks. Working the locks isn't really something you can do with a camera round your neck.

However I saw this reflection and dashed through the boat to get a shot without "acres" of boat in the way. Of all the shots I took today this one appealed to me most. It was taken soon after we cast off after lunch.

We continued along the Coventry canal mooring for the night between Poleworth and Atherstone.

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