Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Homework Avoidance Technique #10

Poor old Alf. He's been tackling a pile of homework since first thing this morning but blimey, he gets distracted easily. I really feel for him. He's only just 12 and seems to have the cloud of homework hanging over him all the time. He was happy to be distracted by me taking his photo so it worked out well for me.

A very quiet day for us today. We thought we had plans,,,then we didn't have plans. Just as well really or Alfie would be up all night finishing his school work.

Roast chicken for dinner and Poppy has helped by peeling the carrots and picking a couple of courgettes. I expect I could even get Alf to make the yorkshires if it meant he could get away from his homework for a bit.

Blip idea shamefully copied from Lazooligirl. Thank you my lovely. They do say that imitation is the something or other of something.

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