Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Grandad and Great Uncle

This lovely man got us free tickets for a theatre show. The children loved it.

Received some shocking news today. My nieces brother in law passed away this morning. He was only 25! He leaves behind a 1 year old daughter and a 24 year old wife. It really is beyond words and comprehension to be honest. He just collapsed in the bathroom and there was nothing that could be done. He was not a drinker, nor a drug taker. He was a family man who worked hard at his job and they were trying to buy a house. Married for three years they never made it into their own house as they lived with his parents and then hers.

Three people have died in that house now! A stepdad, the nan ( not six months ago) and now L! My nieces husband is utterly crushed as he lost his nan very suddenly and recently (April) and now his sister is widowed and he had know L since they were children.

Weirdly I read an article yesterday about bereavement benefits in a magazine given to me by a friend yesterday so whilst at my brother in laws house I printed a form off for C to give to his sister x

Hug your loved ones tighter because life is unfair.

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