Looking a bit stormy!

We've had a lovely relaxing day today - this morning we did what the French do - went for croissants for breakfast and then went to the local brocante. My French blip friends will know what I mean by a brocante, but basically it's the same as a 'car boot sale' or a 'garage sale' but it's held in the streets. Anyway, we came away with a few bargains!

When we got back the boys were tired, and so were we, so we chilled out in our hotel room for a couple of hours and watched the Singapore Grand Prix. Then once it was over, we went for another walk around the town with the boys. The sky looked very threatening and at one point it did rain, but the sunlight was fantastic with the heavy clouds and it looked very stormy as you can see.

Tonight we went for dinner ar Brasserie Flo which is a wonderful restaurant. We've been almost every time we've stayed in Reims and never had a bad meal.

Tomorrow we leave here and head to Riquewihr in the Alsace, although we're driving to the champagne vineyards first. So I'd better say goodnight as we've got an early start - hope you've had a good weekend!

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