
I spent Friday in a nearby town with everyone from my work for what we call, Cluster Training. Being that I am currently doing my old job and my new job, I was the only presenter for my section. I had to do three, two hour, presentations to around 40 people each. I was on my feet and yacking away for 6 hours. It is my job to present some rather boring information that must be presented each and every year. That takes up the first hour. The second hour, was a bit more fun, and my choice. I present on the benefits of promoting physical activity for young children in our program, and how to encourage the families to be more active at home. It is a challenge to keep our staff engaged on this long day of training. I have to keep my energy HIGH. Luckily, I had a chance to grab a nice lunch with some work friends as a break in the day.

I was exhausted when it was over, but I took a moment to go watch some waves, and grab a shot of the local lighthouse. So it.

I fetched Sugar from a friend's house. She had a playdate after school. We headed on home. I had to feet hurt....but my jaw was even worse. I'm a talker....but boy oh boy....6 hours of straight talking....that is a little much.

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