Joe The Driver

Grand-daughter M is mad on trains ("Choo choo!"), so on our last day with her and her mum and dad, we went to see this narrow gauge railway on the Scottish-Northumbrian border...

Chatting with Scottish Joe, who was in charge, apparently this engine is having to go because the owners are upping the lease charge too much for the line to keep her. After 25 years... Mmm.

The station is actually near Flodden Field, of the famous 1513 battle where the English beat the Scottish James IV. For the record, Jimmy had an army of 30,000 and the English numbered 20,000 - but they were Northerners. And the English were led by the Earl of Surrey, so they did really well under the circumstances...

So, Joe takes his last ride...

Maybe. And you have to imagine that with a Yorkshire accent :)

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