A Training Free Day

I had decided already yesterday that today had to be a training free day for the boys. Especially Hero has worked hard on his new routine and his body and minds needs to be able to keep up otherwise all the training won't make him any better.

And when I woke this morning, I had a bad headache and a very sore back, so I rang my chiropractor and got an appointment after work.

The chiropractor is in Slagelse, which is half way to the beach, so after the appointment, I continued to the beach and let the boys run and swim. It was a very rough day and my shoes and feet were soon wet, but the boys loved playing in the waves and I enjoyed it too.

It's Hero on my picture today.

We've booked tickets for the Harry Potter Studio Tour on the 6th October, when we are in England. I'm very excited! It will be a blip-meet too as Nitanoo is coming with us. We realised a while ago, that she is an old friend of Karen, who is one of my close English friends. It's a small world! Anyway Karen and Nitanoo Blipper is joining us on our Harry Potter Tour. Fingers crossed that maybe Elvisbarmy can come too. :)

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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