
4years 336days

We had tears before school, after a lovely start snuggling while she read to me. She had over the weekend asked me to write to her teacher expressing frustrations she is having, so I promised to have the letter to give for the end of school. It made the morning a lot better for her. She cycled to school with a lot more bubble again.

To my delight, it seems like it may make school better for her. They called me within minutes of Katie handing it over. She has, it appears, been finding ways of showing her ability despite their lack of opportunities. They are putting her into the gifted & talented stream for a number of areas and they have suggested some promising plans to support her learning in an appropriate way for her, as much as they can while still bound by school procedure. She was delighted to hear me talking about it with her teacher, so excited to hear they were going to try make it better. Her teacher made me chuckle. He said "In the kindest way, she's proving something of an enigma. We just have noone else in the class like her" - oh how right he is in so many ways!

While I am extremely proud of her "academic abilities", I am thrilled to hear that in addition to this, they have encouraged her to take on a bit of a "peer support" role, particularly in the literacy group and she is relishing in it. I so hope it all comes together, this could be what makes the difference these coming weeks for her.

Once home we had a really wonderful relaxed time. We snuggled, we tickled, we sang, we read, we played in the garden, we evicted gigantic spiders from her swings and slide. She grinned at me in the dropping sun. And to add a little extra, she presented me with the cable for my camera/computer which she discovered!

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