I grew it

4years 337days

Katie has been excitedly watching the second tomato that we grew ourselves ripen on the kitchen window and today polished it off after school.

I had to wake her this morning - she was up a wee bit late as we popped to see friends for half an hour. She was much more willing to go to school when she remembered the chat we'd had with her teacher and almost immediately chose a book she wanted to take to read with him. When we arrive at school, she usually cuddles to me. Today she went to the climbing wall. She came out a happy, smiley lady.

"Mummy, I got three marbles today. One for saying please when I asked for my lunch and two for something clever. Team somethings. We had to do a "Tree hunt" in our little playground. I was with Freya and Sean and I had to carry the green box and we found conkers and leaves and sticks but a different name... twigs". She enjoyed her lunch. She played with her friend's big sister who was on "Buddy-duty" today. She also played with one of the big girls from ballet, who read a story to her and her friend. She said she "read to her teacher until her friend Hattie came in when her teacher said to stop. He said I have to remember the "U" sounds (reading duke/phew)". She was scornful that the next list of words today appeared and was just as bad as the last set, but is more accepting as she knows there will be more her level work coming this week. I got an email this evening from her teacher that made me smile a lot:

"We've had a blast at a few things today, we read part of her book...Katie was adamant she needed to leave some to read with you tonight! I caught her last week reading to a number of her friends in the book corner...she's also been leading them all in song today...'Building a House' came out at full volume as they were building a block of flats! I will have my first session with Katie tomorrow morning just before lunch". I remember when her key worker at preschool was completing her transition forms, she deliberately only eluded at some aspects of Katie's personality "well, we can't spoil all the surprises". Leading the class in song is exactly that kind of thing!

We had a really nice time at home - she helped me make dumplings for the "dumply soup" that she had requested. She played in the garden in the sunshine. She played schools with her pretend children. Then Grandad and Granny arrived! She ate double helpings of soup and a double pudding before having a game with Grandad, which she won twice over. She's currently reading the Faraway Tree and has requested that we start through it together for her bedtime stories.

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