at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Ivy mostly understands the concept of stuffig nappies and adding a fleece liner, thought she doesn't quite understand the logistics she'll make a fair attempt. She's wearing one of my early attempts at a pjama top here, the arms keep growing and growing so are ending up more and more rolled up.

She slept through last night, didn't wake up till after 6 for a feed, and then went back to be till 7. She had a late morning nap, but it was pretty long, so we missed rhyme time.

More tantrums today, my favourite was 'I didn't want you to shut the dishwasher', altough 'I want coffee too!' is a close second. Her worst came when she wanted to walk home from Gaelic toddlers and I picked her up (after letting her toddle about for a good while) and put her in the carrier. She screamed blue murder.

I put her in her blue boobie feet (like duck feet) socks that Granny Grant knitted for gaelic toddlers to keep her warm without slipping in just her tights. She looked very funny waddling about. They had a snack of toasted pita breads and dip at toddlers, which Ivy liked so much Euan and I gave her some more ofbefore dinner. I think dipping is probably a precursur to using a spoon, but Ivy has learnt the other way round.

She ate loads of dinner- lots of tagetielle and then she let Euan feed her cooked smoked salmon off a fork whilst her pudding cooled (rice pudding, cooked in the pressure cooker in 16 minutes!)

Since she's gone to bed, I've been working on her birthday present. We're making her a board of things to manipulate like locks and switches. Euan made a stencil yesterday so today I was spray painting. Euan put up a second stair gate that will not only keep Ivy away from the top of the stairs, but also out of the bathroom, so her days of secretly sticking things in the loo are behind her.

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