Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A good source of insight.

The beloved spiritual Christ of Her time, alongside Our Lord Jeshua Ben Joseph,
powerful, yet Her full Truth needed for generations past to be protected , because of the terrible risk and fear of the time Mary lived in.
Many mainstream believers are essentially hood winked into sadly unbalanced one sided thinking.

The Bible has blessed as a version of events in a way that lacks the immense
Love and enlightenment together are needed to forgive the patterns that deter future unbalanced distortions of how Jeshua and Mary were send to Earth to heal and inspire with their superb unique beneficent allegiance to the One who has The Divine Plan.
Much to learn from about this time on Earth.
Respect for different spiritual paths when change is needing peace and not violent responses.
Gender fairness.
New Age children.
Realising there are Spiritual Laws governing us from a much Higher Spirit realm.
Yearning for Mary Magadalene receive our prayerful respect and then Her true
connection within The Church and society shall be honoured.
Good wishes to my blipper friends.
I am not convinced the photographic image is true to the resemblance of the real Mary Magdalene.
The ideas in the book can move your spiritual consciousness and expand your thoughts about these matters.
Peaceful enlightenment and never an angry approach to change if optimum in my view.

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