
By Fido


Yesterday, finally, my middle boy gained his bronze badge at school. It's a fairly convoluted system involving merit cards and shiny plastic cards that you save and trade as you work your way up through bronze, silver and gold to reach, if you are very lucky, the Head Teacher's Award. The whole system is based on the whim of the teacher, some of whom dole out the tiny pieces of precious paper for any small achievement and others who withhold them for extra special moments. It would appear if you are fairly quiet, easy going and keep your head down it takes more than the expected two years (!!two years) to reach the giddy heights of a bronze badge.

Anyway, well done to my precious middle boy. He has had a bit of a rough time of it since August for one reason and another and so despite my lovely husband being away leaving me to deal with the three alone, and despite still being in recovery mode from spending most of last week in bed, I made the effort to make him a celebratory bronze badge cake which he has been looking forward to ever since his big brother had his.

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