Building the Titanic

My eldest boy is in a brilliant class this year. It's a small composite class (he is the younger of the two year groups) and their teacher is great. My boy has found a new level of confidence and he seems happy and relaxed. He wants to audition for the choir, is keen to take guitar lessons with his classmates and has tried out and been selected to compete in the inter school swimming gala. It is all great to see and we are really proud of him.

As part of the class's project on the Titanic they each had to design and built a 3D model of the ship. Tomorrow is the deadline for submission but there has been a steady stream of models sailing into school for a few days now. The variety of design and range of size and scale is quite incredible!

Here is my boy's Titanic, completed finally, after many an hour sitting amongst the Lego pieces finding just the right one.

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