Mirror mirror on the wall...

This kept E entertained for a while today. She gives her own reflection kisses on demand. She had an unprecedented 1.5 hour nap this afternoon, along with the usual half hour morning and late afternoon ones. She is still weighing in on just above the 75th % and the persistent nappy rash is probably thrush.

For tea the F'ers had spag bol so I gave E the baby version at the same time. She loved it, and especially loved eating with her bros.

F1 got bitten at school today rather hard as it broke the skin. It is the same boy that was a problem at nursery. I would have thought that by Year 1 at school this behaviour would stop. I feel for the boy (and his mum, who it know and is very nice) as he is clearly struggling with something.

F2 had a better day today and finally got the baked beans at lunch that he's been hankering after.

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